Tips to survive extreme heat caused by global warming
Tips to survive extreme heat caused by global warming
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Global warming has been causing extreme weather all over the world, including the US, UK, the mainland of China, Hong Kong and many places.  More than 70 million people in the US are under heat alerts this week, with extreme temperatures as high as 41C forecast in some areas, and heatwaves are also becoming longer.


The year 2023 marked a historic peak in global temperatures, amplified by the resurgence of El Niño, a climatic event that has dramatically increased temperatures worldwide and is anticipated to persist into 2024. Hong Kong is no exception, we all experienced ‘exceptionally high’ daily temperatures in recent days. 


Higher temperatures can also result in more droplets and extreme rainfall, according to the UN's climate body of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, heavy rainfall events have become more frequent globally. In May 2024, southern Brazil experienced heavy rains which lead to widespread flooding, displacing about 150,000 people.


Here are some tips for the reader for keeping cool and having good sleep in hot summer nights:


1. Use lightweight, breathable bedding: Opt for natural materials like cotton or linen sheets and a lightweight blanket.


2. Keep your bedroom cool: Use fans or air conditioning to lower the temperature in your bedroom. Consider using a portable fan or placing a bowl of ice in front of a fan to create a DIY air conditioner.


3. Close curtains or blinds during the day: to block out the sun's heat and to prevent your room from heating up.


4. Stay hydrated: Drink a glass of cool water before bedtime to stay hydrated and help regulate your body temperature.


5. Consider using a chilled eye mask or gel pad: place it over your eyes to help cool and soothe your face while you sleep.

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