Blue calico, a traditional Chinese hand-printed textile with a history stretching back over 1,300 years, is a precious art form of fabric dyeing. It was extensively utilized by the ancients in their daily lives, for crafting clothing, bedding, curtains, and much more. Jiangsu Nantong, one of the main strongholds of blue calico production, has recently unveiled a new blue calico heritage center, with the aim of further safeguarding and promoting this cultural gem.
The center functions as a multi-functional hub for collection, exhibition, education, and innovation. It will showcase a splendid array of exquisitely crafted blue calico textiles and vividly demonstrate the intricate process underlying their creation. The center will also invite intangible cultural heritage inheritors to conduct workshops for diverse groups.
The traditional method of making blue calico demands at least seven steps and takes several days to complete a single piece of fabric. It also necessitates that the artisans possess advanced painting skills, a profound understanding of dye formulation, and extensive experience in fabric inspection. By imparting dyeing techniques to university students in related fields, the center endeavors to preserve and perpetuate the wisdom of the ancient craftsmen, while inspiring the new generation to innovate based on traditional practices.
On the other hand, the center is committed to establishing a ‘community museum’, bringing the rich history and unique characteristics of blue calico to the general public, to afford this time-honored craft a broader exposure. The public workshops will be accessible and captivating, offering participants a hands-on opportunity to create their own pieces, fostering a deeper appreciation for this timeless art and ensuring its continued significance in modern times.