Inheritance of delicacy: Russian bread in Xinjiang
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Is it a European town? No, but why it has a strong Russian vibe? It’s Ili in Xinjiang. Let’s meet Liliya here. She is ethnic Russian but was born and raised in Xinjiang.


Liliya / Owner of Bakery

Let’s do it like the art of calligraphy. Just brush the egg liquid evenly. Apply just the right amount of pressure, not too harsh, but with a gentle touch. As my grandma used to say, ‘Bread has its life. You treat it gently, and it will treat you kindly.’ Look at the shape, all lovely small hearts.


Liliya is the fourth generation inheriting her family's bread-making craft. Passed down through the years, this craft not only embodies the hard work of generations but also preserves the unforgettable memories shared between Liliya and her grandmother who once told her that the key to making delectable bread is to infuse it with love.


This is the place where I grew up. When I was young, I would often listen to my grandmother's stories about my great-grandmother’s journey to this place. My great-grandmother came here from Russia in 1930s and settled on Liuxing Street in Ili of Xinjiang. Look, this is my great-grandmother, my mother, and my grandmother. This photo is taken in 1952. These photos and scarfs were passed down by my grandmother.


When Liliya took over the apron from her mother, she realized she was no longer just a kid playing around with dough. Growing up around the bakery, she thinks she has a big responsibility - to share the wonderful taste of Russian bread with more people and pass on the family bread-making craft from generation to generation.


We will pass it on to the fifth, sixth and seventh generation, with the same authentic flavor. We will work hard to preserve this family legacy.


Liuxing Street where Liliya lives, is located in the city of Yining of Xinjiang. It is a vibrant historical cultural district resided by over a dozen of ethnic groups including Uyghurs, Hans, Kazakhs, Huis, Russians, Manchurians, etc. Like Liliya, those who live here are committed to preserving their own unique cultural heritages and customs while enjoying their blissful life here. Conceptualized by a German designer, the street has an iconic hexagon structure, stretching from a round center to six main streets like a star. Characterized by the multi-ethnicity of its residents, it’s a typical example of cultural exchange between China and Central Asian countries.


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