High speed rail reaches a new high!
High speed rail reaches a new high!
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China's Fuxing Intelligent Electric Multiple Unit (EMU) drove onto the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau for the first time, reaching a new record high with a top speed of 350km/h. With improved speed and efficiency, the journey from the starting point Wuhan city to the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau is reduced by nearly 11 hours. During this journey, you can enjoy the picturesque scenery of up to 5 provinces and pass through 16 stations. 


The intelligent Fuxing EMU is a new generation EMU developed by China on its own and has full intellectual property rights. It has a maximum test speed of 385 kilometers/hour and a maximum operating speed of 350 kilometers/hour. Compared with the standard Fuxing EMU, the outlook of the latest EMU has been greatly optimized and improved.


The new EMU trains comprise a total of 15 trains, including 9 long trains and 6 short trains, with a maximum speed of 160km/h. Its appearance features a streamlined design, with "Chinese red", "Chinese white", "Great Wall gray", and "Banyan green" as the main colors, creating a bright and vibrant appearance with a four-color staggered painting scheme.


The intelligent Fuxing EMU not only has a gorgeous appearance but also features advanced technology at its core. The streamlined locomotive incorporates a new design to optimize aerodynamics, effectively reducing running resistance and noise. Furthermore, the network control system integrates new technologies such as cloud computing, big data, artificial intelligence, 5G, and comprehensive upgrades in smart services, smart operation and maintenance, and other aspects. The interior and exterior displays, in-car ceiling TVs, bathroom lighting systems have been replaced with more user-friendly designs, which further enhances the passenger experience and takes green transportation to another level.



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