Popular Taiwan singer Jeff Chang donates Qing dynasty clothing to Shanghai Museum
Popular Taiwan singer Jeff Chang donates Qing dynasty clothing to Shanghai Museum
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Jeff Chang, a renowned Taiwanese singer has made a significant contribution to cultural heritage by donating 12 pieces of clothing from the late Qing Dynasty to the Shanghai Museum. Chang revealed that one of the qipaos were cherished items belonging to his maternal great-grandmother and grandmother.


This remarkable collection includes 10 qipaos from the 1920s and 1930s, along with two pieces of women's clothing from the Qing Dynasty. These pieces reflect the artistic skill associated with women's clothing from Jiangnan and Shanghai during the late Qing Dynasty and the Republic of China, underscoring their considerable research and display value.  


The Shanghai Museum's experts meticulously appraised the donated garments, highlighting their diverse styles, distinctive designs, and exquisite craftsmanship. Jeff Chang shared his intention to engage further with museum experts for future donations, showcasing his commitment to preserving and promoting cultural heritage.


During the donation ceremony, Chang expressed his gratification in collaborating with the Shanghai Museum. He emphasized his hope that the museum's efforts would enable more people to appreciate these garments and experience the unique charm of the qipao. This is not the first time for Jeff Chang to showcase his collection, he curated the exhibition “Spectacular Fabrics from a Fashionable Time: Ladies' Textiles of the Qing Dynasty” at the National Museum of History, which received widespread acclaim in 2015.


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